Poet Scott Cairns gestures toward a larger meaning of what we call 'mind.'
Psalm 119
Keevin delights in the law of the Lord and encourages us to do the same.
Word Studies: Hagah
Reed has a bone to pick in the continuation of our Word Studies series.
Psalm 1
Derrick opens our Sunday series on the Psalms.
Senior Night Fall 2017
Our graduating seniors share their wisdom and stories from their time at CCF.
Word Studies: Shema
Reed concludes the Word Studies series by telling us what we think we already know: words are for hearing. But whose words are we listening to?
1 Corinthians 15
Derrick talks sarx and soma as parts of Paul's message on the glorious mystery of resurrection.
Word Studies: Pistis
Student intern Terra Willard gets out her scissors and talks the relationship between faith and action.
Word Studies: Anthrakia
Reed talks about the cleansing and commissioning effects of charcoal.
1 Corinthians 14
Derrick talks about the ways we worship.
Word Studies: Hupomone
Alumnus Ryan Harker talks patience.
1 Corinthians 13
Derrick sinks to the depths and soars to the heights of love.
Word Studies: Basileia
Alumnus Andrew Austin talks "kingdom" for our Wednesday Word Studies series.
1 Corinthians 12
Keevin talks about spiritual gifts and how we use them.
Word Studies: Metanoia
Student intern Tim Richard takes us on a road trip to repentance.
1 Corinthians 9
Reed discusses how we are to be all things to all people.
Word Studies: Koinonia
Taylor talks about what it looks like to participate in fellowship.
1 Corinthians 8
Reed talks about issues over which our consciences may differ.
Word Studies: Torah
Alumnus Kaleb Sackett asks what it means not just to know but to live torah.
1 Corinthians 7
Reed examines a principle for marriage: I am bound, you are free.