Spring Break 2025 is set for Sunday, March 9th to Friday, March 14th at New Life Ranch in Colcord, Oklahoma. Join us for a week full of work projects, worship, speakers, games, great food, and plenty of opportunities for sweet, sweet hangs. In order to attend the trip, please fill out the forms at the four links listed below. The cost for the trip is $175 (includes food, lodging, and transportation). Payment and all forms are due Wednesday, February 26th. If finances are an issue or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email trumanccfspringbreak@gmail.com.

We’re still here cultivating lives of deeply rooted faithfulness. Listen to Cora’s and Bek’s stories, then see some highlights from 2024. And please remember us in your year-end giving as we’re seeking $40,000 in additional contributions this December. Click the button below to donate. 

  • Hello friends, 

    I hope the stories of Cora and Bek spark something in you about CCF, whether that be something you’ve loved about this ministry from a distance or something you loved during your own experience here: perhaps it was a surprise encounter with God’s grace (like Cora had) or perhaps it was someone who honestly explored questions of faith with you (like Bek had) in this community in which we’re always figuring out more of what it means to follow Jesus. 

    And as you remember that, please remember this: we are still here. We’re still here pursuing discipleship with college students through relationships, services and small groups, spiritual practices, and a healthy dose of fun (sometimes weird) CCF classics: Booyah (24 years on with its blue and tin foil!), LPS (with its chocolate milk and flame throwers!)... The list could go on. 

    In all of it we’re still cultivating lives of deeply rooted faithfulness, and God continues to be faithful year after year. We hope that you see as we do that this work is immensely valuable for an incredibly important time as college students gain independence, explore faith, and encounter God in new ways in their lives. We plant and water, but God gives the growth. 

    We also want to let you know that CCF has real financial needs to be met, and December is a key time for meeting them. Through much of 2024, the deficit between our budgeted monthly need and our average monthly income has been greater than in recent years, creating a need for us to ask for more in year-end giving than we typically do. 

    So I’ll cut right to it: we are hoping to receive an additional $40,000 of contributions before the end of this month to give us a healthy start to 2025 — in which we plan to address bringing our monthly contributions to a more sustainable place — and that means we need you, our partners, to remember us. If you can give toward that $40,000 goal, please hit the link below now. 

    Maybe you had a great financial year and can contribute five or even ten thousand dollars. Or maybe you are someone in a position to say, “Well, I can cover it all with one gift right now!” Or maybe you are someone who can give an extra $200 this month and then tag some old CCF friends to join your generosity posse and give along with you. 

    However you can help us, please give now, and we’ll keep planting and watering with whatever God sends our way. 

    Thank you so much!

    Reed and the CCF Staff 

YAH Week 2024 was a success! To the new students, welcome! To all those who helped make it happen financially, prayerfully, and logistically, thank you! Check out this YAH recap video pieced together by one of our student leaders.

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We hear the scriptures taught twice a week, Sundays and Wednesdays. Listen to the archive of sermons on our website or subscribe to our podcast. 


Located at Truman State University, we have a house just off campus with offices and public gathering spaces while we have our worship services on campus.

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